Hizballah takes aim at Israel's natural gas Discovery

by Gal Luft, Journal of Energy Security The discovery of a gigantic natural gas reservoir less than 100 miles off Israel’s coast seems like great news for the diplomatically and militarily embattled country.  The gas finding will strengthen Israel’s energy security, enable it to become an important gas exporter and contribute wealth to its economy.  It…


Roasted moroccan stew

*Moroccans are the largest group of immigrants in Israel from an Arab country.  Between the years 1962 and 1964, 80,000 Jews left Morocco to make Aliya in Israel.  Many of these immigrants moved to the Negev, giving Beer Sheva and other Negev areas a distinctive Moroccan finesse.  During our years living in Beer Sheva, I always felt very lucky to be invited to a…


Angel hair with goat cheese and broccolini

*Feel free to substitue regular broccoli in this recipe instead of broccolini. Ingredients 4 quarts water 1 tablespoon salt 3 cups broccolini (1 pound) or regular broccoli 12 ounce angel hair pasta 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 and 1/2 cups vegetable stock black pepper 1 teaspoon fresh basil 4 tablespoons unsalted buttter 4…


Netanyahu: Palestinians are dodging direct Mideast peace talks

by Emet Report Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday, “There is an obvious Palestinian attempt to evade direct negotiations.” At the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee meeting Netanyahu said, “As far as we are concerned, we are ready to start direct negotiations as early as next week.”   The Arab League is slated…


Prerequisites for a two-state solution

by Mort Zuckerman    Will the world applaud Israel’s just-announced decision to restrict its military forces by imposing even more stringent rules to avoid accidental civilian casualties? Don’t bet on it. The world remained silent as Israel endured hundreds of Palestinian suicide bombers, stabbings, drive-by shootings, and kidnappings. No censure or demands for a cease-fire…
