Land for peace, yes

BY CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER— While diplomatically inconvenient for the Western powers, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s attempt to get the United Nations to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state has elicited widespread sympathy. After all, what choice did he have? According to the accepted narrative, Middle East peace is made impossible by a hard-line Likud-led Israel that…


B'tayavon: Maqluba, traditional Bedouin dish

*Maqluba is a casserole with rice, lamb, and eggplant which is commonly served in Bedouin homes. The casserole, after it has finished cooking, is carefully flipped over onto a serving dish and served upside-down. Maqluba in Arabic literally means “upside-down.” There are over 110,000 Bedouins living in the Negev so Bedouin culture adds a unique…


A Messianic Midrash—The Miracle at Sukkot

BY JEWS FOR JESUS— The Feast of Tabernacles had ended. The crowds had dispersed and those who had traveled to Jerusalem from the outlying regions were making their way home. The sukkahs were being cleared away along with well-shaken lulavs, bent and broken from the joyous celebration. Jerusalem was returning to its usual bustling pace.…


Maqluba, traditional Bedouin dish

*Maqluba is a casserole with rice, lamb, and eggplant which is commonly served in Bedouin homes.  The casserole, after it has finished cooking, is carefully flipped over onto a serving dish and served upside-down.  Maqluba in Arabic literally means “upside-down.”  There are over 110,000 Bedouins living in the Negev so Bedouin culture adds a unique dynamic to the…


What Jews should know about Christians

By BARRY RUBIN, THE RUBIN REPORT– Most Jews today (or should I merely say many?), even the most secular among them, have a tremendous fear of Christians—especially fervent believers of the type represented today by Evangelicals–and conservatives. There is a material basis for this fear based on past Jewish experience. But it is the year…


Clinton calls on world to 'pressure' Israelis, Palestinians

BY JPOST— US secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday called on the world to “pressure” both Israel and the Palestinians in order to bring about the resumption of peace negotiations, AFP reported. Speaking at a joint press conference with her Egyptian counterpart, Mohamed Kamel Amr, Clinton said that “Egypt, the United States, the Quartet,…


Tourism thrives in Israel and the PA, preparing for the Feasts of Israel

Rosh Hashanah for KidsRosh Hashanah represents the miraculous creation of the first humans, Adam and Eve. However, the holiday is not only celebration. Its also a serious day for thinking about the sin in a person’s life and getting right with the Creator of the Universe. Caramel Apple CrispApples are a staple of the Rosh…
