The burden against Egypt

BY STAN GOODENOUGH— Politicians and journalists have not been alone in scrambling to respond to the Egyptian revolution that ousted Hosni Mubarak a week ago. Leading Christian voices, too, have been throwing their understandings into the ring, directing their constituents to pray into the situation as Egypt moves towards the establishment of a new political…


John Boehner says US will stand by Israel

BY GIL RONEN, ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS— US House Speaker John Boehner assured Israel Wednesday that the United States would back it in the face of growing Middle Eastern instability. Speaker Boehner met with Israel’s Ambassador to Washington, DC, Michael Oren. Following the meeting, Boehner said: “Israel is one of America’s strongest allies. We share common…


Abbas refuses to cave to U.S. pressure to withdraw UN resolution on settlements

BY EMET REPORT— Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is expected to turn down Washington’s request to withdraw a U.N. Security Council resolution demanding Israel halt settlement expansion on occupied land. Several officials close to Abbas on Friday predicted this would be the consensus of a meeting of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive later in the day…


Lara Logan and Media Rules

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Among the least analyzed aspects of the Egyptian revolution has been the significance of the widespread violence against the foreign media covering the demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. The Western media have been unanimous in their sympathetic coverage of the demonstrators in Egypt. Why would the demonstrators want to brutalize them?…


US vetoes anti-settlment resolution

BY YITZHAK BENHORIN, YNETNEWS— The United States vetoed the Palestinian proposal to condemn settlement construction by Israel at the United Nations Security Council Friday. The other 14 Council members voted in favor of the draft resolution. But the US, as one of the five permanent council members with the power to block any action by…


Ahmadinejad gloats after crushing protests

BY ICEJ NEWS— Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave an interview on state TV Tuesday, dismissing recent street protests against his regime which resulted in two deaths and dozens of injuries, saying they are “going nowhere.”  “It is clear the Iranian nation has enemies because it is a nation that wants to shine, conquer peaks and…


Israeli minister: We will never leave Hebron

BY ISRAEL TODAY— Israeli Education Minister Gideon Saar on Tuesday said Israel must stop misleading the Palestinians and the international community into thinking the Arab-dominated Judean town of Hebron will one day be Jew-free, and instead clearly declare that Jews will never leave what is their second most holy city. Hebron sits in the middle…


Protests rage in Yemen, Bahrain; Iran hard-liners want foes executed

BY NOAH BROWNING AND KIM MURPHY, LA TIMES—- The continuing wave of unrest sweeping the Middle East led to a fifth day of protests Tuesday in Yemen and thousands of protesters swept into the main square of the capital of Bahrain, setting up tents and vowing to stay until the government agrees to major reforms.…


Jordan justice minister: Israel is a terrorist state

BY JACK KHOURY— Jordan’s new justice minister continued to inflame tensions with Israel, whom he called a “terrorist state that will be destroyed” in an interview with Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab Al-Yom on Wednesday. Minister Hussein Mjali was appointed last week in a government shakeup following protests inspired by the Egyptian uprising. He drew condemnation in…


Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions: A Strategy for Israel’s Destruction

MASHE DANN, — Anti-Semites around the world have found a new and more subtle form of attack: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaigns. The Ramallah-based Palestinian BDS National Committee, an umbrella organization for dozens of Palestinian organizations supported by the Palestinian Authority, is a global movement. Behind anti-Israel actions by churches, unions and student groups,…
