Therefore the strength of Pharaoh shall be your shame, and trust in the shadow of Egypt shall be your humiliation. (Isaiah 30:3)
For the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose. (Isaiah 30:7a)
For thus the Lord has spoken to me: “As a lion roars, and a young lion over his prey … so the Lord of hosts will come down to FIGHT FOR MOUNT ZION and for its hill. Like birds flying about, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem. (Isaiah 31:4-5a)
There are now many who have commented on what is and has been happening in Egypt. One of the most telling explanations I received from a true intercessor, K.M., who wrote the following about what happened in Egypt and its possible aftermath. This is what she believed the Lord showed her:
“The Lord gave me three revelations that I can now share with you.
#1: The Lord told me that this action in Egypt is, what He called, A BAIT AND SWITCH operation.
#2: Last night in a dream, I was observing the birth of a baby. MANY attendants were on hand as part of the delivery team. As I was observing the baby crowning, with the end of labor at hand, I cried out, “Stand back! Do not touch this baby! It must not be received and nurtured to have life.” No one would listen to me. Suddenly the baby was born with a great shout of joy from the crowd. I backed away even further from this scene. Within minutes, the baby literally exploded, killing everyone who was in the celebration circle.
#3: When I asked the Lord, what was the role of the intercessors, He told me that we are to be CIRCUIT BREAKERS.
I will address each of these three revelations individually.
#1: When I inquired of the Lord, what the turmoil in Egypt was all about, He answered with a term unfamiliar to me … “WHAT IS GOING ON IS A BAIT-AND-SWITCH.” I believe I had heard that term somewhere before, but I really didn’t know what it referred to. I had to go to the Internet to seek out the definition, so that I could gain understanding regarding the Lord’s answer to me. Here is what I discovered:
Bait-and-switch is a form of fraud, which is often used in retail sales … but which is found in other business dealings, in negotiation, settlement offers, and in other contexts as well. Here is how it works: Something is advertised in such a way as to make it appear very desirable and available for a limited time, at an amazingly low cost. The advertisement brings in the customer. Once inside the store, the expectant customer is told that the advertised commodity is no longer available (sold out most probably).
However, that customer will be “generously” offered an even more desirable product, at a “slightly” higher price … but which is reported to be a much better value. In essence, the bait-and- switch suggests that the merchant is bringing comfort to ease the disappointment of the consumer (who is believing that he missed the big deal … but which in fact was really just the bait to bring him into the store). The added price paid by the customer (for the substituted, more costly item) increases the profit of the seller, and pays for the advertising needed to bring the buyer into the store (where he then purchases what the merchant really wants to sell him).
The item that served as the bait was never freely available to all; but the customer never knows that. His disappointment is turned into joy as he purchases something he didn’t intend to buy … at a higher price … because of the way that it was packaged and promoted to mislead his heart and understanding. The seller gets more of what he wants, while allowing the buyer to have the illusion that he is getting a good deal on more than he knew he needed.
When I read the description of the bait-and-switch, I knew instantly what the Lord was saying about the situation in Egypt. The “organizers and promoters” of this “uprising” might have used obtaining more freedom, democracy, prosperity, less corruption, or whatever, to bring the people to the Square to protest. Once there, the message was switched. It became something like: “Let’s take this higher and farther … let’s go beyond just getting rid of corruption and police oppression (which we really don’t have available as a possibility now) and go for a complete regime change; taking out Mubarak. Let’s go even better, and call for total Sharia law (which is the highest and best law in the world). Sharia law will finally insure that we will finally be able to destroy Israel and the West. It only costs just a little more (actually it will cost these people dearly, as Sharia law denies all freedom, and is frightfully controlling, punitive, narrow, etc.). Like the American election two years ago, the change offered (the bait) hooked the people. Only later did the American people begin to understand that the agenda they “bought” had not been truthfully presented … but now it was too late to go back.
#2: The dream of the birth and the exploding baby. I believe that many people, who were there to assist in the birth of this baby, were the leaders in the Western word (the USA, the UN, the EU members, etc.). The baby about to be born was the new order in Egypt … this little baby named Freedom To Choose. So many of the deluded western leaders think that those in the Arab world … and those from the Islamic world … desire democracy and freedom, as we know it in the West. They do not. We have seen that when Moslems (with Islam in operation) are given the freedom to vote and to choose, they choose sharia oppression and oppressive leaders.
Where they do not make the choice for these things, most often the vote of freedom enables wicked people to usurp power; becoming oppressive leaders to silence the voices of opposition. The exercise of freedom and democracy require a Judeo-Christian foundation in order to function successfully … i.e. morals and values where all human life is precious … where love and truth are virtues … where kindness, honesty, fairness, generosity, and mercy are lauded … where males and females have equality … and where beloved children are protected from harm, etc. Democracy is incompatible with Islam: where in Islam there is a foundational conqueror vs. slave mentality … where there is freely expressed/embraced hatred, mingled with excitement over the spilling of an adversary’s blood, to further the Islamic agenda … where telling lies are lauded and seen as a useful tool to gain advantage … where demonstrations of power over human life have an innately demonic spin … and where personal freedom is distained and condemned, etc. The dream the Lord gave to me is saying that if the those in the democratic West assist in the birth of this democratic, Islamic Brotherhood baby, and give it support, that baby will blow up in their deluded faces and end up killing them.
#3: The Lord is asking the intercessors to serve as Circuit Breakers in this situation.
–Pray that the Lord will give us intercession and decrees to shut down the power, which is currently coming through broken wires; causing short circuits (through foolish politicians, through the media, religious leaders, foolish laws, and unwise justices)
–Lord teach us to be circuit breakers and give us the courage and the faith to play our role successfully to Your honor and glory.” K.M.
It was amazing that while the battle for a new government for Egypt was raging in Cairo – in Israel the battle was raging for the most suitable candidate to be appointed Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces.
The two issues are singularly connected: Should an anti-Israel government now arise in Egypt, with the added danger of radical Islamist takeovers in other countries – like Jordan – the consequential erasure of all peace treaties and the eruption of renewed war will see Israel confronting a near-unified Arab Islamic front.
It was, therefore, of vital importance at this crucial moment in Israel’s history that the best man be found to lead the IDF in the event of such a development. I truly believe that the just-appointed, Major-General Benny Gantz – the son of Holocaust Survivors – was the best choice for this job.
The other contender, Maj. Gen. Yoav Gallant, may have been a good military man. He was, however, tainted by his participation in the cruel uprooting in 2005 of thousands of Israel’s finest men, women and children from their homes in the Gaza Strip. Gallant was Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s military liaison to the Israeli army when this inhumane expulsion was carried out.
Something else: At this very hour, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a Hitler-like leader, is calling for – and working towards – the extermination of the six million Jews now living in Israel. And we see a man come forward to be Israel’s new chief of staff who represents in himself, through the experience of his parents, Hitler’s deadly onslaught against his people – the genocide of six million Jews. No one needs to explain to this man, Benny Gantz, the danger his nation now faces – again. May God grant him wisdom, courage and great strength to win this battle for His people.
General Gantz, Christian lovers of Israel all over the world will pray for you for Israel’s army and for Israel’s people in the coming days. You are not alone in this battle. We are with you, and God is with you! May He bless you greatly, in His mercy, for the sake of His people! May He in any next war make Israel, His people, victorious over all her enemies, we pray.
The second matter for prayer at this time is for Israel to be united at this very crucial and dangerous time. This is how I wrote it just recently to many of our Israeli friends:
“Here the people of Israel will in all likelihood soon see themselves surrounded by dangerous and hate-filled Islamic regimes bent on the destruction of this democratic Jewish nation. Yet most of the time, Israel’s present leadership is under attack from various quarters by fellow Israelis on economic and political issues! The opposition Kadima Party leaders – as they just announced – are ganging up to conduct a campaign of personal attack on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who, one would think, needs all his energy and time just now to stave off what will come as a result of the gradual regional takeover by Islamic radicals.
This looks very much like the infighting that went on among the Jews when fatally surrounded by the Romans in AD 70!
The Histadrut trade union is threatening an all-out general strike, the result of which will certainly not help Israel’s economic standing and ability to face the increasingly-likely joint military onslaught of Hizbollah-run Lebanon, hate filled Syria, Hamas-controlled Gaza with all her new rockets and … possibly even Egypt!
‘The peace process is dead,’ as someone recently remarked, and as every one who has his eyes open can now see and know. No Arab leader, moderate or otherwise, will be prepared to be seen offering Israel any more “incentives;” certainly not after the attack on Abu Mazen by Islamists all over the Middle East for even the minimum of concessions he was – according to Al Jazeera’s leaked information – willing to make. This is why he was called a stooge of the Americans and Israel.
And now President Mubarak is equally condemned and criticized by many of his people. No Arab leader – if that’s the treatment meted out to Mubarak and Abu Mazen – will able, let alone willing, to commit political suicide by making any concessions to Israel!
So, indeed, the peace process is dead and for the time being all over. Why can’t Israel’s leftists not be honest enough to face up to this reality and stop blaming ‘the other side’ – not the intransigent Arabs but their own fellow Israelis – for missing the chance?
In light of all that has recently happened – first in Gaza, then in Turkey, then in Lebanon, now in Egypt and, tomorrow maybe, in Jordan – why can’t Kadima, the main opposition party, and all who foolishly and self-destructively continue to attack their own prime minister for “not doing enough for peace,” put the blame squarely where it needs to be put -on those still bent on Israel’s destruction?
After all our painful concessions to those who were at least first (though not anymore) willing to talk to us: We gave up Gaza and South Lebanon. We went against our own set policies by agreeing to the destructive notion of a two state solution. And we are presently further from peace and closer to a new explosion of war than ever before. So let us unite for heaven’s sake!”
So let us pray for Israel’s government and the military to be strengthened and united at this crucial, crucial time.