What Do Trump, Brexit and Christian Zionism Have in Common?

By Brian Hennessy, Israel Today— Throughout history we have seen how a nation oppressed by an autocratic government, whether foreign or its own, must eventually revolt or submit to humiliating slavery. We saw it in the American Revolution in 1776, and certainly in Israel’s Exodus from Egypt under Moses.It is in this context I believe…


Christians Returning to the Jewish Roots of the Saturday Sabbath

By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, Breaking Israel News— More and more Christians are seeking their Hebrew roots and, as a result are changing their Sabbath from Sunday to Saturday. This one practice immediately sets them apart, pushing them into a no-man’s land in between Christianity and Judaism. But they find the rewards far outweigh the difficulties.…


On Modern Antisemitism, Christian Silence Is Complicity

By Carla Brewington, Algeimener— In the 1930s in Germany, many caved to the dangerous political agenda of the time. They wanted power, peace, and prosperity, to reclaim their country from the ravages of World War I. Christians were no different. But in doing so, they embraced the words of Martin Luther. In 1539, in his…


Democrats have an ugly anti-Israel obsession

By Post Editorial Board, New York Post— Delegates to this year’s Democratic convention haven’t booed the mention of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, as they did in 2012 — not yet anyway. But there’s no mistaking the hostility to Israel both inside and outside the Wells Fargo Center in Philadephia. On Monday night, Bernie Sanders delegates…



By Unity Coalition for Israel— Russian Forpost UAV on Israel’s Searcher drone President Vladimir Putin turns aside all Israel’s complaints about Russian arms supplies to Iran’s Lebanese proxy, Hizballah, whenever he talks to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu – roughly every week-to-ten days. The issue is also raised without results by Israeli officials on trips to…


Palestinians gear up to sue the UK – over 1917 Balfour Declaration

By Times of Israel Staff— The Palestinian Authority is preparing a lawsuit against the British government over the issuing of the 1917 Balfour Declaration that paved the way for the creation of the State of Israel. The PA’s Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki told Arab League leaders gathered in Mauritania Monday that London is responsible for…


Failed coup in Turkey an end times marker?

By WND.com— The failed coup in Turkey doesn’t just represent a challenge to American policymakers. It’s nothing less than a milestone in geopolitics. And according to one of the world’s leading experts in Middle Eastern politics and biblical prophecy, it could be a marker for the end times. That’s the analysis of Joel Richardson, the…


Steve King: Trump lacks ‘long-term,’ ‘sustainable’ Israel policy

By Eric Cortellessa, Times of Israel— CLEVELAND — Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa has a tendency to ignite controversy. He once advocated building a wall along the US-Mexico border with an electrical wire, saying it would “be a discouragement” for illegal immigrants to cross over, and added, “We do that with livestock all the time.”…


Top Trump advisor to ‘Post’: Settlement annexation legitimate if PA continues to avoid real peace

By Danielle Ziri, JPOST— CLEVELAND – Israeli annexation of settlements in the West Bank could be viewed by a Trump administration as a legitimate way for Israel to move forward if the Palestinians continue to avoid a real and genuine peace deal, David Friedman, a senior advisor to Donald Trump, told The Jerusalem Post on…
