'Israel strikes Syrian weapons cache en route to Hezbollah'

By REUTERS— Israeli forces attacked a convoy on the Syrian-Lebanese border on Wednesday, sources told Reuters, after Israelis warned their Lebanese enemy Hezbollah against using chaos in Syria to acquire anti-aircraft missiles or chemical weapons. “The target was a truck loaded with weapons, heading from Syria to Lebanon,” said one Western diplomat, adding that the…


Welcome to State of Palestine

By ASAF ROMIROWSKY, YNET— Nationalism and peoplehood are just part of the ingredients of statehood, or rather state building. Pronouncing their existence does not actually connote that the work is actually being done. The best illustration of this imaginary state is the newly inaugurated Palestinian one, as Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas officially changed his government’s…


Israel's Bread and Butter Dilemma

By RON JAGER, One week after Israel’s elections, it is fairly accurate to state that the public voted almost exclusively on alleviating the alleged plight of Israel’s middle class, ignoring issues pertinent to security and foreign policy issues. The only valid interpretation of the election results in light of what was on the voter’s mind…


Israeli minister welcomes report of huge blast at Iran nuclear plant

By TIMES OF ISRAEL— Israel’s Home Front Defense Minister Avi Dichter on Sunday welcomed a report that Iran’s Fordo nuclear facility had been rocked by a huge explosion. The report was published Friday on the website wnd.com, under the sensational headline: “Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit?” It claimed that a blast deep within Fordo…


Evangelical leader: Israel is safest place on earth

By SAM SOKOL, JPOST— Apostolate Renê Terra Nova, the head of the International Restoration Ministries in Manaus, Brazil, has brought tens of thousands of Christians to Israel over the past 10 years and says that his followers “leave this country in love and become ambassadors of Israel.” Terra Nova, who is the leader of one…


The Palestinian Authority: A Continuing Breeding Ground For Terror

By P. DAVID HORNIK, FRONTPAGEMAG— Except for rockets from Gaza—which, meanwhile, have stopped since Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense in November—you haven’t been hearing much about Palestinian terrorism. But it’s not for lack of trying. Israel’s Shin Bet (domestic security agency) has released its figures for 2012. It says it thwarted 100 “serious” terror attacks…


Is Obama the most anti-Israel president in the history of the USA?

By EARL COX, JPOST— Now that Barack Obama has been re-elected and sworn in to serve another term as President of the United States, this question is appropriate. Is Mr. Obama good for Israel? According to election exit polls, about 75 percent of American Jews voted for President Obama. They seem to believe that he…


Spot Report: The time for the 3rd Temple has come!

Think of this: “When you see standing in the Holy Place the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel — let the reader understand.”…” Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters,  not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by…


Daunting challenges facing Netanyahu

By ISI LEIBLER, JPOST— The unexpected election results have created daunting challenges for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Many Israelis dislike Netanyahu. He has personality deficiencies and, like every Israeli leader since David Ben-Gurion, has made major mistakes. But to his credit, over the past four years he has moved Likud to the center and achieved…
