Peres holds secret meeting with Jordan's king

BY ELIOR LEVY, YNETNEWS— President Shimon Peres held a secret visit to Jordan and meeting on Monday, the Jordanian official news agency report. The President’s Residence has yet to comment on the matter. According to the report, Peres and Abdullah discussed the resumption of the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. The king apparently…


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood holds anti-Semetic rally, draws thousands at Cairo’s top mosque vowing to ‘one day kill all the Jews’

BY AMANDA MIKELBERG, NY DAILY NEWS— A Muslim revival at Cairo’s most prominent mosque Friday that drew 5,000 worshippers reportedly turned into a hate-fueled rally, complete with repeated vows to “one day kill all the Jews.” Led by the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest and best-organized political party, the crowd that gathered at the al-Azhar Mosque…


Iranian FM says Israel would be attacked by 150,000 missiles

BY YNET— Iranian Defense Minister General Ahmad Vahidi said Israel would be attacked with 150,000 missiles if it launches any military action against the Islamic Republic, the Iran Independent News Service reported Sunday. Speaking before 50,000 army volunteers in Bushehr, the minister said “Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan, if the Americans make the mistake…


Saboteurs blow up Egypt gas pipeline to Israel in Sinai

BY REUTERS— Saboteurs blew up Egypt’s gas pipeline to Jordan and Israel on Monday, witnesses and security sources said, a few hours before the country holds its first free election since president Hosni Mubarak was toppled in February. The explosion was set off west of El-Arish in Sinai, witnesses said. There was a second consecutive…


Do your "Black Friday" shopping with Jerusalem Connection

Please visit our popular “online store” where you can find a great selection of Israeli T-shirts, hats, pro-Israel books, original Hebrew Artwork, and more. All of our products are for a “suggested donation” so the proceeds help support our ministry and work for Israel. Free shipping on everything! Featured items include: Auschwitz Album Revisited Prints…


Spot Report: Hatred of Jews and Christians

  Think on this! “The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” … “This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of the saints who keep God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.”  (I Chronicles 4:12; Revelation 14:12) Pray on this! Gracious heavenly Father grant your people understanding…


Medvedev takes aim at US missile shield, targeting also Israel's missile defenses

BY EMET REPORT— After deploying three warships in Syrian waters, Moscow continues to beat war drums against the United States followed closely by Tehran. Wednesday, Nov. 23, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told state television: “I have ordered the armed forces to develop measures to ensure if necessary that we can destroy the command and control…


New Findings: Herod may not have Completed Jerusalem’s Walls

BY NICOLE JANSEZIAN, TRAVELUJAH— Despite centuries of assumption that King Herod built the Western Wall of the temple in Jerusalem, recent archaeological findings could throw this accepted conventional premise on its head. Professor Ronny Reich of the University of Haifa and Eli Shukron of the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a news conference on Wednesday…


Israel girding for possible trouble for Egypt pact

BY JOSEF FEDERMAN, AP Israel expects a “grave erosion” in its peace agreement with Egypt and is even preparing for the possibility of the historic deal collapsing altogether, a Cabinet minister said Wednesday, in the first official assessment of the unrest rocking Israel’s southern neighbor. The comments by Matan Vilnai, the minister for civil defense…


The scourge of clientitis

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— For many years, observers of the US State Department on both sides of the American political spectrum have agreed that State Department officials suffer from a malady referred to as “clientitis.” Clientitis is generally defined as a state of mind in which representatives of an organization confuse their roles. Rather than…


Video: Iranian Nuke Attack on US Easy as EMP?

BY ERIK STAKELBECK, CBN Pentagon estimates show that Iran could have missiles capable of reaching the East Coast of the United States by the year 2015. If the Iranians acquire a nuclear bomb, they might be able to cripple their “Great Satan” even sooner through an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, attack off America’s coastline. “Within…


“Royal” Christian Presence in Israel during Crusader Period

BY NICOLE JANSEZIAN, TRAVELUJAH— Archaeologists and researchers from Hebrew University have deciphered an inscription bearing the name of Frederick II written in Arabic, declaring him king of Jerusalem, right before he peacefully conquered the city through a treaty rather than a battle. The discovery is unique because it is the only Crusader inscription in the…
