Pat Mercer Hutchen’s art work gets to its Hungarian Home

By Inna Rogatchi (C), Rogatchi Foundation — When painting her famed The Auschwitz Album Revisited collection of unique art works, our dear friend, courageous and passionate Pat Mercer Hutchens was dreaming that one day her works will be shown in Budapest, Hungary. Pat was working on her the one of the kind collection during several…


The Party’s Over for Pro-Israel Dems

By Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary— The names of those chosen to be on the Democratic Party platform committee were announced yesterday, and the headlines were about Bernie Sanders getting his due. Sanders was able to name five of the 15 members of the committee with Hillary Clinton getting six and Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie…


Doom and gloom or a note of optimism for Israel’s future?

By Yossi Melman, JPost— It is said that the late Prime minister Levi Eshkol, who excelled in Yiddish jokes, described Israel in the 1960s as “Shimshon der nebedecher” – the poor, weak and pathetic Samson. This is, of course, a contradiction in terms for biblical history’s most famous strongman. This metaphor came to mind listening…


ISIS planning wave of attacks in France

By Reuters— Islamic state militants are gearing up for a campaign of bomb attacks on large crowds in France, host to next month’s Euro 2016 soccer championships, its spy chief has said. Rare remarks by Patrick Calvar, the head of France’s DGSI internal intelligence agency, to the parliament’s defense committee spelled out “a new form…


Watch: Do American university students support Hamas terror?

Ami Horowitz, a New York-based political satirist and video producer, went to Portland State University in Oregon to ask students for financial donations for Hamas. He openly explained that the purpose was to destroy the State of Israel through terror attacks against hospitals, schools and more. Are everyday American students against the Jewish state? Would…


Israel’s newest MK: God thought I have things to do in the Knesset

By Noam Barkan, YNet— It was only a year and a half ago that right-wing activist Yehuda Glick was dangling between life and death. After being shot point-blank four times by a terrorist, he managed to utter “Shema yisrael” (the Jewish declaration of faith that the devout strive to say before death) before falling into…


Ross: White House took ‘conscious decision to try to distance itself from Israel’

By Michael Wilner— Barack Obama is one of five presidents in modern history who has made a “conscious decision to try to distance from Israel,” his former aide, Dennis Ross, said on Sunday. Addressing The Jerusalem Post’s annual conference in New York, Ross, a veteran diplomat who has worked on peace negotiations between Israelis and…


Perception as deterrence – Israel’s new Defense Minister

By Ron Jager— For the majority of the past eight years, President Obama and State Department “experts” have been treating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the central generator of political upheaval ravaging the Middle East without realizing just how marginal the conflict with the Palestinian Arabs has become or understanding that as far as the Sunni…


Cardinal Robert Sarah: United States Faces ‘Insidious War’ Against Christians

By Thomas D. Williams. BREITBART— In a scathing address at a prayer breakfast in Washington D.C. this week, a high-ranking Vatican cardinal has denounced an “insidious war” against Christians taking place in the United States under the guise of tolerance. While other countries face “merciless beheadings,” “bombings of churches” and “torching of orphanages,” in the…


Israel set to form ‘most right-wing government in history’

By AFP, BREITBART— Jerusalem (AFP) – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looked set to form the “most right-wing” government in Israeli history on Thursday, with Avigdor Lieberman, a hardliner loathed by Palestinians, expected to join as defence minister. Netanyahu’s allies were set for fresh negotiations with representatives of Lieberman’s far-right Yisrael Beitenu party to try to…


In pro-Israel victory, Methodists recommend leaving BDS movement

By JTA, Israel National News— Just days after rejecting four resolutions calling for divestment from companies which operate in Judea and Samaria, the United Methodist Church recommended withdrawing from the anti-Israel “US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation”. In a nonbinding vote of 478-318 at its general conference in Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the church…


Methodist church meeting votes down BDS resolutions

By TAMAR PILEGGI, Times of Israel— The United Methodist Church has rejected several resolutions calling for the 12-million-member Protestant church to divest from companies engaging in business with Israel over its treatment of Palestinians. Church committees over the weekend voted down four Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions resolutions brought to a vote at the church’s quadrennial…
