by Binyamin Elon
We are ending the Hebrew year of 5770 with troubling news on the diplomatic front. Behind the smiles and the ‘optimism’ that were spread around Washington, DC last week, lies the futile and ever-so-dangerous proposal of establishing a palestinian state – a move that will not only not bring us closer to the end of the conflict, it will actually do the opposite – perpetuate it and enhance the security and diplomatic problems we are already facing.
The so-called ‘fanatics’, who supposedly are not part of this celebration of diplomacy, will be receiving a potential foothold in the very heartland of the Land of Israel, which might lead to its falling into their hands sooner or later – if we don’t come to our senses beforehand.
It is very unfortunate that those who were supposed to be on their guard in order to save us from the disaster of a palestinian state – are not doing their job. My brethren, the settlers in Judea and Samaria are dealing with the important local issue of renewing the building after the end of the build-freeze, while the Likud, who for years posed the main opposition to the idea of a palestinian state – has become, whether willingly or not, its main proponent.
One might ask: What about the press? The public discourse? Well, unfortunately there is no public discourse regarding the right way to solve the conflict, but only discussion of how high a price Israel is willing to pay in order to bring an end to the conflict. The ‘two states for two nations’ paradigm has become the one and only proposal, while no one is allowed to debate it, object to it or even to analyze it deeply. Therefore, it continues to be the only game in town, even though it is a solution that solves nothing, an idea which both our experience and common sense tell us will only bring about more bloodshed and suffering.
In light of the above, it is high time that we push forward the Israeli Initiative. We are happy to announce the inauguration of a new version of our website:, which makes searching through the site’s articles more user-friendly and serves as a more appropriate showcase a diplomatic plan.
On the eve of Rosh Hashana – the Jewish Day of Judgment – we are reminded that not everything depends totally on us. We have the responsibility to do everything humanly possible, but in the end it is God who makes the final decisions. We have merited seeing in our lifetime events that many generations could only dream of – millions of Jews settling the Land of Israel, the ongoing building up of Jerusalem, the historic ingathering that has strengthened in the past few years. May God grant us to continue to witness these great events and more, while contributing as much as we can to finding the Israeli, Jewish and Zionistic road to real peace, security and fortitude.
My dear friends, from Jerusalem I send you wishes for a good and sweet new year, health and happiness, to you and all your loved ones. A year of peace, building and revival for all of the Nation of Israel.