By Amy Zewe–
I admire and respect Queen Elizabeth, a monarch who has reigned for longer than many folks have been alive. Her 70th Jubilee was this year, and her time on the throne and her oversight of the Commonwealth, I believe, is governed by God who allows leaders to come and go at His discretion.
However, the Nations of the Queen’s Commonwealth are displaying antisemitism at a pace that is quite alarming. I hope she is aware of this because I believe she and her family members are NOT antisemitic at all, and in fact, have a deep affinity for Jews and for Israel. During WWII, her own husband, the late Prince Philip, and his mother, Princess Alice, helped shepherd Jews out of Greece, playing against the Nazi officials the entire time.
As with most nations and kingdoms, constituents and leaders do not always display the characters of each other.
In the United Kingdom, where the Labor Party recently ousted Jeremy Corbin for his antisemitic bent, and Covid restrictions are easing up and folks are returning to the public arena, we see a mixed bag of progress in the fight against antisemitism. First, we saw an uptick in online vitriol during covid and now antisemitism in the UK’s in-person hostilities are increasing. Hate crimes that manifested as physical assaults were up, while hateful online rhetoric was down. So, danger still persists.
Across the pond in Canada, where approximately 380,000 Jews reside, representing barely 1% of the population, Jewish community members were victims of 14% of all reported hate crimes in Canada in 2021. And Jewish Canadians remain the most targeted religious minority for hate crime, and second overall, according to Canada’s national statistical agency.
Statistically, Canadian Jews were more than 10 times more likely than any other Canadian religious minority to report being the target of a hate crime. This is alarming. This report should be a call to action for all Canadians to stand against antisemitism and all forms of hate.
– Shimon Koffler Fogel, president and CEO of the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs.
While I don’t in any way shape or form blame the Sovereign Monarch for the hate expressed in her Commonwealth, I do recognize that hearts and minds must be changed. Holocaust education as well as teaching accurate history is a key strategic avenue to change this malicious trend and can be applied to all school systems. Collegiate academia must shed its progressive agenda and return to academic integrity in addition to (or in tandem with) a spiritual shift that can only occur when replacement theology is flushed from all the pulpits
Our goal is to inform you of these happenings so you can be praying and reaching out personally to your own networks and communities to share and expose what is going on, and the remedy to fix it. What we read about in the UK and Canada is not exclusive to the UK and Canada. Several weeks back I reported on incidents in New Zealand and in Australia. Similar trends exist in much of Europe and Reports from the US are also plentiful.
Holocaust education is one of our key projects here at The Jerusalem Connection, as well as outreach into universities via our scholarship program. Please continue to help us through prayer, sharing our information, and contributions, so we do not just read the news, but we can be active agents to change its tide, by following our Biblical mandate to advocate for Israel and Jewish people worldwide.
Shavua Tov; have a great week.