By: Jan Willem van der Hoeven
For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another.
(Psalm 75:6-7)
We have never prayed as much for an Israeli election and for the formation of a new Israeli government as we did these past months. Therefore we believe that this government, under the premiership of Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, is what the Lord purposed. And although at this moment it has only a slim majority of 61 out of Israel’s 120-member parliament (Knesset), we believe it will last much longer than all Israel’s enemies hope. Its composition of just religious and politically right parties makes it the most conservative government in Israel’s entire history – strong enough, if we continue to support it with our fervent prayers, to withstand the pressures from within Israel as well as from without.
After all the haggling for special positions and favors which they have received, none of Netanyahu’s coalition partners will now want to vote against their own government for fear of losing their hard won perks. The excessive talk from Israel’s left wing commentators – with their dire predictions about the brevity of the new government’s term and its inevitably quick collapse – stems more from the Left’s unwillingness to accept – even rage against – the vote of the majority of their countrymen who chose for the right and not for them.
With the manifold political pressures already building on Benjamin Netanyahu’s government from Washington DC and European capitals, together with the ever-growing threat posed by Israel’s enemies – Iran, Hamas with its renewed tunnel building and stockpiling, and the Hizbollah with their tens of thousands of rockets ready to be fired on all of Israel – we need to come behind this government with strength.
Let us uphold it so that it will withstand not only the many pressures from without, but also the unacceptable destructive criticism by many on Israel’s left from within.
May God indeed prevail for the sake of His beloved people, I pray.
Heartcry is a half an hour film where Benjamin Netanyahu and myself speak up for Israel. I believe it is one of the best tools we have to make known the love and compassion God has for His own people. Use it not just for your own viewing but share it as much as possible with others also. People all over the world have been deeply moved through this film! Here is where you can find it: