By Amy Zewe—
We are seeing some new twists in the uptick of antisemitism by many factions. Certainly, we have been identifying and calling out actions and rhetoric by particular groups such as Black Live Matter BLM (not the notion that race discrimination isn’t real, exists and needs attention, but the actual group or affiliation known as BLM) in that its actions and rhetoric are overtly antisemitic. BLM solidified this notion in our minds in their support for Hamas (a terrorist organization) during last month’s hostilities. And when one points this out, that BLM is antisemitic, their immediate response is that one is racists for criticizing the BLM organization.
We also see some Muslims who are continuing to equate Israel (and the US) and produce a moral equivalence to and between Hamas or terrorists groups…thus making the equivalency between the terrorists and the democracies of Israel and the US. And when criticized for it, they are are pulling their own “race card”; case in point. US Congressional member Ilhan Omar was called out in a letter by her fellow Democrat peers criticizing her asserting a moral equivalency between Hamas (and the Taliban) and Israel (and the US). Her response was that her colleagues are being Islamophobic. The most ironic part about this is that Hamas itself criticized Omar for the comparison, as it insulted them as well. Go figure.
When we call out antisemitism, we are vilified. But please don’t let that allow you to sit in silence. I will take whatever label an anti-Semite wants to stick on me so I can state the truth. And I am willing to state that truth with as much kindness as possible and as much evidence as possible while trying not to vilify the person, but rather the ideas of that person—because my ultimate goal is that people with antisemitic beliefs will somehow see the light and see the truth—especially those who claim to be some sort of warrior for civil and human rights.
Moreover, as antisemitism is ticking up in all corners of the world, I don’t want to see the Christian community fall any deeper into it than it already historically finds itself. That brings me to the issue of internal Israeli politics and elections. Certain outspoken Christian Zionists, particularly Mike Evans (who has contributed greatly to the Christion Zionist cause) has been claiming to speak for many if not all Christian Zionists stating that our support is relative to who is in office in Israel. Let me reiterate what The Jerusalem Connection published last week: The Jerusalem Connection’s steadfast support of the state of Israel (and that includes all its inhabitants) as well as the Jewish people (in Israel and worldwide) is based on biblical truths and NOT in any way shape or form based on who the Israeli citizenship (all of them –Jewish, Arab, Muslim, Christian and other) democratically elected into office.
Just like my American patriotism does not wavier based on who is in the White House, how much more is my commitment to a biblical stance I hold to be true and clear—Comfort ye, my people.
I do not want the Jewish or secular community to base its opinion, or even trust or mistrust on any proclamations by any given Christian Leader. I don’t want to fuel age-old (and valid) skepticism that many have towards the Christian community nor do I want to see hypocrisy displayed as non-Christians see very non-Christlike behavior from any Christian or group labeled as such.
God allows men and women to rise and fall to and from power—for His will. We do our part along the way. We pray for leaders—whether we chose them or not and whether we agree with them or not. We do not hold a people responsible for what their leaders may be doing. We do not believe any human government—even Israel’s—is perfect and without flaw but we still acknowledge God’s Will in the value of humanity and the legitimacy of the state of Israel.
Shavua Tov and have a great week.