Does Jerusalem get it?

By Yoram Ettinger, Congress has power to produce change in Obama’s Mideast policy The assumption that Israel is facing an imperial and an omnipotent American president, who supposedly benefits from a health reform-driven political tailwind, is refuted by the April 21-22, 2010 Quinnipiac University Polling Institute findings. The Institute is quoted often by the…

Mossad T-shirts Available

January 19, 2010. Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh, a notorious Hamas leader is found dead in his hotel room in Dubai. The Dubai government reveals that the 18 suspects used fake passports some of which originally belonged to Israeli citizens- but by now the hit team is long gone. Fingers are pointed at the Mossad. Assassination squads, stolen…

Never Again is Now!

NEVER AGAIN IS NOW is petitioning Congress to take the necessary steps to ensure that the words of the Declaration below are  adopted as the new Foreign Policy of the United States towards Israel.   Rev. Dr. John Lupoli, President of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches, representing 380,000 churches and 44 million congregants…

My Peace Plan: An Israeli Victory

By Daniel Pipes, National Post This month, Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak declared that Israel must withdraw from Palestinian territories. “The world isn’t willing to accept — and we won’t change that in 2010 — the expectation that Israel will rule another people for decades more,” he said. “It’s something that doesn’t exist anywhere else…

How Hamas tortures Gaza

By Joseph Klein, John Ging, the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Operations in Gaza, briefed correspondents at the United Nations headquarters in New York last week on the humanitarian plight of the people in Gaza. He said that the Palestinian people in…

Poll: Israelis views on Obama

Israelis oppose freeze, blame Obama for tension, think Obama turning to Arabs at expense of Israel Dr. Aaron Lerner – IMRA Poll carried out by Shvakim Panorama for Israel Television Channel 1 of a representative sample of adult Israelis (apparently includes Israeli Arabs) broadcast on the evening of 23 April as published in Yisrael Hayom…