Going back to the Bible

BY AVI RATH, YNET— While facing the nations of the world, the State of Israel’s public relations officials tried everything, ranging from the security argument, through the narrow borders and all the way to the strategic threat. Yet it’s not working and remains unconvincing. When we adopt this kind of PR, the world tries to…

Seductive Beliefs

BY THOMAS SOWELL, TOWNHALL— The only thing surprising about Barack Obama’s latest blow against Israel is that there are people who are surprised. As for a Palestinian homeland, that was never a big issue when the Arabs controlled that land, up to 1967. Obama’s declaration that Israel must give up the land it acquired, after…

Stop poking God in the eye

BY DARYL HEDDING, ICEJ— I Samuel 11 tells the fascinating story of how Israel came to be united under Saul’s kingship. As with all Old Testament stories, God has given them to us so we can learn from them and apply the principles revealed therein. This story is no different, and even gives us invaluable…

Yom Yerushalayim

BY STAN GOODENOUGH— Israel is today celebrating Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem Day – the return to Jewish sovereignty of the 3000-year plus capital of the Jewish people.* Since Independence Day on May 9, Jerusalem has been literally swarming with Jews from around the country and around the world. They have been hiking its streets, descending…

Jerusalem Day T-shirt available

Today is Yom Yerushalayim(Jerusalem Day), commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967.  Jerusalem is more than the eternal capital of Israel: it is THE heart and soul of the Jewish people. Now the world wants appeasement by dividing the city. Should Israel agree? Wear your support for Israel’s eternal capital! For a suggested donation of…

Why — and whose — Jerusalem?

BY RABBI DOV FISCHER, JWREVIEW— Several covens of Jew-haters, ranging from the Middle East to the more troubled and confused of American campuses like those at the University of California at Irvine (UCI), recently marked their “Nakba Day” to protest that a Jewish country ever was created in the Middle East. Today, Jerusalem Day, is…