Iran's peaceful annihilation program

BY ELLIOTT ABRAMS, CFR— The “peaceful nature” of Iran’s nuclear program has taken acurious blow. The wife of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast, an Iranian nuclear scientist killed in Tehran in January, hastold the press that “Mostafa’s ultimategoal was the annihilation of Israel.” Roshan worked at the enrichment facility at Natanz, a key part of Iran’s…

Christ at an Israeli checkpoint

BY MARK TOOLEY, FRONTPAGEMAG— The Evangelical Left is hosting a “Christ at the Checkpoint” jamboree at the birthplace of Jesus Christ to identify the Savior with Palestinian liberation. This anti-Israeli mobilization will include leading evangelicals from the U.S. “We are not accusing the Israeli military of putting Jesus at a checkpoint,” insists one disingenuous spokesman,…