Video: Avinu Malchenu

Avinu Malkeinu is a Jewish prayer for forgiveness. It is a Jewish prayer recited during Jewish services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well on the Ten Days of Repentance from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. There are many verses to the song but a rough translation of a portion of the supplication goes…

Locusts invade Israel and Egypt

By ISRAEL TODAY— A 1-million strong swarm of locusts that broke away from the plague-sized multitude that continues to attack northern Egypt invaded Israel on Tuesday, only to be stopped in its tracks a day later. The locusts crossed the Sinai Peninsula into southern Israel overnight Monday. By Wednesday morning it had reached the northern…

An American Jew in Israel

By NAOMI REGAN — The American consulate seems to be exclusively aimed at benefiting West Bank and east Jerusalem Palestinians. Remember that scene in “Not Without My Daughter” when Sally Field sees the American flag waving over the American Embassy in Istanbul as she flees Iran? “We’re home baby, we’re home,” she tells her daughter.…