Wish I’d said that
“Hebrew is the most wonderful of languages, a language of a thousand antonyms, hard and strong as steel, while soft and gleaming as gold.”—Ze’ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)
“Hebrew is the most wonderful of languages, a language of a thousand antonyms, hard and strong as steel, while soft and gleaming as gold.”—Ze’ev Jabotinsky (1880-1940)
Think on this: “The counsel of the Lord standeth sure, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.” Psalms 33:11 Pray on this: Heavenly Father, may your will be done. Give our leaders wisdom to see your truth, your plans, your victories. Amen
“If we will it, it will not be just a dream.”–Theodor Herzl, father of modern Zionism
By MELANIE PHILLIPS— It is now clear that the West will allow absolutely no evidence, however devastating, to prevent a deal being signed with Iran over its nuclear programme. From the start, there has been a total dislocation of reality. The US, UK and EU fawned over Iran’s new President Rouhani for ushering in a…
By TOVA DVORIN, ARUTZ 7— Yair Golan, the Major General of the Northern Command, has warned the world at large that Israel’s situation with Lebanon is extremely volatile. “The situation on the border is explosive and the smallest spark can cause a border clash – even if neither side is looking to engage in fighting,”…
Thursday morning, riots erupted on the Temple Mount resulting in the closure of the holy site to Jews and tourists. MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud Beteinu) was visiting the Temple Mount when hundreds of Arab youth rioters attacked Feiglin and several others with him. The rioters attacked Feiglin and his group by throwing stones at them.…
By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Just before Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated Russia’s takeover of Crimea, the US’s Broadcasting Board of Governors that controls Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty announced that it will be ending its broadcast to Iraq and the Balkans next year. And this makes sense. As far as the Obama administration is…
By EARL COX, ISRAEL ALWAYS— This article is sure to push the hot button of many, even my Christian brothers and sisters who have, despite facts, made up their minds that Israel is the aggressor and guilty of oppressing the poor Palestinians along with other non-Jews. Because many have been duped and brainwashed into believing…
By KHALED ABU TOAMEH, GATESTONE— The Palestinians feel that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is not listening to what they have to say about his efforts to achieve peace in the middle East. That Is why they have decided to express their views through a new song that is dedicated to Kerry personally. A…
By ITAMAR MARCUS, JPOST— Netanyahu’s demand and the PA’s refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state are clearly not just a quibble over semantics. A major obstacle blocking progress toward an agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s demand and PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s refusal to recognize Israel as…