Our shared Islamist enemy

By YAIR SHAMIR, FOREIGN POLICY— George Orwell wrote in his seminal tome, 1984, “The object of terrorism is terrorism … Now do you begin to understand me?” Unfortunately, we live in a world where too many still do not understand. After the recent terrorist attacks in Boston, there was immense incredulity when the ethnic nationality…

Shabbat Shalom: Lecha Dodi song

Lecha Dodi is a Hebrew-language liturgical song recited Friday at dusk, usually at sundown, in syn’agogue to welcome Shabbat. Lecha Dodi means “come my beloved,” and is a request to join together in welcoming Shabbat that is referred to as the “bride.” During the singing of the last verse, the entire congregation rises and turns…

Iranians accuse Jews of witchcraft

By TIMES OF ISRAEL— As if freak explosions and sneaky computer viruses weren’t enough, Iranian public figures have recently accused Jews and Israelis of wielding magic and sorcery against the Islamic Republic. But not against the country’s suspicious nuclear program. No, no: Those sneaky Jews just wanted to rig the Iranian elections, with magic. In…

One knife, five orphans

By ISRAEL HAYOM— Thousands of people attended the funeral of 31-year-old Evyatar Borovsky, a father of five from Yitzhar who was killed by a Palestinian terrorist Tuesday morning at Tapuach Junction in Samaria. Borovsky was attacked by 24-year-old Salam Zaghal, a resident of the Palestinian village of Shuchaa, near Tulkarem, while he was waiting at…