A Sabbath's Journey

by Michael Freund Sometimes the most serious journey can begin with a silly television program. As a teenager growing up in a Conservative Jewish home in suburban New York in the 1980s, I shared many Americans’ love for the TV show Dallas. Each Friday night, I tuned in to Channel 2 (remember when TVs had…

Ahmadinejad meets Nasrallah

by Herb Keinon, Jpost    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah at Iran’s embassy in Beirut on Thursday prior to departing Lebanon after a two day visit to the country, Hizbullah television station Al Manar reported. According to the report, the two leaders discussed a number of issues and Nasrallah…

Who are Israel's Friends?

by Jennifer Rubin, Commentary Magazine— On Friday, I looked at the results of a new poll surveying voters’ opinions on Israel and, more generally, the Middle East. While Americans remain overwhelmingly pro-Israel and are troubled by Obama’s approach to the Middle East, there are significant differences between sub-groups of Americans. In this post, I’ll focus…

Who are Israel’s Friends?

by Jennifer Rubin, Commentary Magazine On Friday, I looked at the results of a new poll surveying voters’ opinions on Israel and, more generally, the Middle East. While Americans remain overwhelmingly pro-Israel and are troubled by Obama’s approach to the Middle East, there are significant differences between sub-groups of Americans. In this post, I’ll focus…