New Artwork: Fit to Work

This is an archival print by Pat Mercer Hutchens, one of a series being offered through TJCI to remember and honor those who perished in the Holocaust. Pat is particularly zooming in on the women and the children. Click here to find the print available in our online store. From the artist: “These Jewish women…

The many fables of Saeb Erekat

by Victor Sharpe I once wrote an earlier article, which was titled: Lies, damned lies, and Palestinian propaganda in descending order. That title paraphrased British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli’s, 19th century aphorism: Lies, damned lies, and statistics. Few have mastered the art of dissimilitude more than long time Palestinian Arab spokesman, Saeb Erakat, who continues…

The US-Israel crisis is far from over

By Isi Leibler, Jerusalem Post US proclamations of support for Israel are welcome, but sadly there’s no proof of any change in policy toward the Jewish state. We are currently being subjected to a chorus of proclamations by government spokesmen, American Jewish leaders and Obama administration representatives reassuring us that Israeli-US relations are back on…

The Myth of the 1967 Borders

By Dore Gold – In rejecting, the proposal for a Palestinian state with temporary borders, that Haaretz reported last Friday, Abu Mazen insisted that the only basis for any future political arrangements with Israel is “the 1967 borders”. He is not the only one today talking about the 1967 lines. President Carter’s, national security…

Dumping Israel

By Ralph Peters, NY Post “It’s those damned Jews.”  That’s the muffled message I hear when, pretending to represent our national interest, voices call for the abandonment of Israel. We’ve heard it from agenda-driven scholars who write that our alliance with Israel is responsible for our problems in the Middle East. More worrisome still, I’ve…