Hamas' new methods

by Debkafile Another drive-by shooting claimed by Hamas injured Moshe and Shira Morani from Maaleh Efraim at the Rimonim junction near Ramallah Wednesday night, Sept. 1. It was exactly the same as the attack which left four Israelis dead near Hebron Tuesday night – except that the couple saved their lives by fleeing their vehicle…

The Ostrich Accords

by David Isaac, ShmuelKatz.com This month is “Black September” according to one Israeli diplomat quoted by the Washington Times. Legal challenges in European courts, UN resolutions, International Atomic Energy Agency pressures – the calendar is filled with “political landmines.” At the center of this minefield lies the resumption of the ‘peace talks’. For those looking…

Netanyahu's Tightrope In Washington

by David Essing With U.S. President Barack Obama presiding, Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas are set to launch New peace talks in Washington on Sept.2nd. However, a major clash is threatening to torpedo this latest peace effort. Netanyahu has said he is committed to start rebuilding in Israeli settlements in…

Mideast Peace Talks' Hidden Threat

by Jonathan Schanzer, Politico Some 46 percent of Israelis believe that President Barack Obama is “pro-Palestinian,” according to a Smith Research poll this summer. Since then, that figure most likely has ticked higher. After all, in July, the president upgraded the Palestinian delegation’s diplomatic status in Washington, and the peace talks that start Thursday are…

Direct talks to nowhere

by Khaled Abu Toameh For decades, Arab and Islamic leaders and governments have been inciting their people against Israel. That is the main reason why these governments and leaders would never be able to persuade their people to make peace with Israel. In this regard, the Palestinian Authority has not been different from the Arab…

Obama's appalling mistreatment of Israel

by David Limbaugh, Townhall As Israeli and Palestinian peace talks are scheduled to resume in Washington in a few days, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated that Palestinian recognition of Israel as the Jewish homeland is an essential condition for peace. Completely reasonable, yet don’t keep your fingers crossed, especially with the Obama administration’s attitude…