Vote for the Dead Sea!

The world contains an abundance of varied and beautiful locations, which fascinate and excite visitors, but the Dead Sea region is unique, combining history, geography, nature, health and beauty, and has attracted visitors throughout human history. Even in ancient times, the Dead Sea was the focus of important events: In the Bible, Abraham, the father…

Israel's terrible drought

by Israel Today The previous twelve months were the hottest and overall driest year Israel has experienced since weather records started being kept. The Israel Meteorological Service has published year-end data showing that temperatures across Israel in 2010 were some 2-3 degrees hotter than the average temperatures recorded over the past 30 years. For instance,…

Israel hails giant energy find

by Marcus Dysch,  The Jewish Chronicle The discovery of a huge natural gas field off the coast of Haifa could secure Israel’s long-term energy security, according to experts. The 16 trillion cubic feet of gas, 80 miles away from the Jewish state under the Mediterranean, represents the world’s biggest find in the past decade. One…

P.A.’s Abbas Reiterates – “We Won’t Agree to the Presence of One Israeli” in Palestinian State

by Morton Klein, Zionist Organization of America Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas has reiterated that a future Palestinian state, if established, will be Jew-free saying, “We have frankly said, and always will say: If there is an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, we won’t agree to the presence of one Israeli…