Obama: I'm not bluffing on Iran

BY AP— President Barack Obama says he means it when he insists it’s unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon. “I don’t bluff,” Obama said in an interview published Friday. In his most expansive remarks on the issue, Obama told The Atlantic magazine that Iran and Israel both understand that “a military component” is…

Wish I'd said that

“The Jewish state will not allow those who seek our destruction to develop such weapons. A nuclear Iran must be stopped… When it comes to Israel’s survival we must always remain masters of our fate.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the AIPAC conference in Washington Tuesday

The root of anti-Semitism

BY DEREK PRINCE (ARCHIVES FROM DEREKPRINCE.ORG)— A Roman Catholic historian has given a brief but vivid summation of 2,3OO years of continuous antisemitism: As the historian of antisemitism looks back over the millennia of horrors he has recorded, an inescapable conclusion emerges: Antisemitism is the longest and deepest hatred of human history. Other hatreds may…

The root of anti-Semitism

BY DEREK PRINCE (ARCHIVES FROM DEREKPRINCE.ORG)— A Roman Catholic historian has given a brief but vivid summation of 2,3OO years of continuous antisemitism: As the historian of antisemitism looks back over the millennia of horrors he has recorded, an inescapable conclusion emerges: Antisemitism is the longest and deepest hatred of human history. Other hatreds may…

The root of anti-Semitism

BY DEREK PRINCE (ARCHIVES FROM DEREKPRINCE.ORG)— A Roman Catholic historian has given a brief but vivid summation of 2,3OO years of continuous antisemitism: As the historian of antisemitism looks back over the millennia of horrors he has recorded, an inescapable conclusion emerges: Antisemitism is the longest and deepest hatred of human history. Other hatreds may…

A messianic look at Purim

BY MARK STOVER, JEWS FOR JESUS— Purim is the Jewish holiday which is most carnival-like. Children drown out Haman’s name with greggers. Young Jewish girls participate in Queen Esther beauty pageants. Plays are enacted called Purimspiels. And everyone noshes on poppyseed and prune hamantaschen. Yet, behind the feasting and drinking and partying lies a somber…