Palestinians want Obama to win

By JONATHAN S. TOBIN, COMMENTARY— Israel is being criticized today in the world press for playing hardball with five of the 12 non-aligned nations that had hoped to gather in Ramallah to formally back the Palestinian Authority’s latest attempt to get the United Nations to back their bid for statehood. The delegations from Algeria, Bangladesh,…

"Uncle" Tom Friedman vindicates the Protocols of Zion

By RON JAGER— Just when you thought that “Uncle” Tom Friedman’s column couldn’t get any worse, that even the Times columnist couldn’t outdo himself; even I was surprised at Friedman’s latest foray into Jewish anti-Semitism. Arrogant and presumptuous, Friedman pretends to explain to us his entire convoluted modern version (Circa, elections 2012) of the Protocols…

Egypt hunting down 2,000 terrorists

By ROI KAIS, YNET— Egypt launched on Wednesday the first air strike on militants in the Sinai region since 1973, killing at least 20 terrorists in an operation described by the Egyptian media as the “Sinai cleansing operation.” According to Egyptian security sources, over 2,000 Islamic militants reside in the Sinai region. Egyptian media outlets…

Iran's axis of terror draws closer

By JOSEPH KLEIN, FRONTPAGEMAG— Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is having a particularly bad week. His country’s Prime Minister Riad Hijab has just defected and appealed to other top officials to “abandon this murderous and terrorist regime.” He joined a swelling number of military defectors. The armed opposition continues to strike close to Assad’s seat of…

The Christians who protect Israel

By GIULIO MEOTTI, FRONTPAGE MAG — Thousands of evangelical Christians descended on Washington for the annual Christians United for Israel conference. They showed enthusiastic support for the Jewish State, grounded in a deep attachment to the Bible. The horrific attacks of September 11 have reinforced their fatalistic sense of identification with the Israeli citizens. They…