Two state goal ‘too narrow’

 By Herb Keinon, Jerusalem Post   The stated goal of the nascent diplomatic process should be a historic reconciliation between Jews and Arabs, and not just a two-state solution, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon said Sunday, on the eve of US Middle East envoy George Mitchell’s next visit to mediate indirect talks. Ayalon, speaking to…

Russia's Bid

By Barry Rubin, Russia’s bid for renewed power in the Mideast as a rival to the US is one more thing that US policy is unprepared to cope with, nor even recognize.   If America’s Middle East position collapses in the forest will anyone hear it? The answer is either  ‘no,’ or ‘just barely.’ As…

Making Israel’s case

By Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Forty-three years after the Jewish people liberated Jerusalem, our capital has never been under greater assault. But it has also never been more energetically defended by an indignant Jewish people – in Israel and throughout the world. Last week, Makor Rishon reported that US diplomats have been “showing interest” in…

The Jerusalem Connection Peace Plan

“Proximity” talks are the answer. So asserts President Obama’s Middle East Envoy dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, former Senator George Mitchell.  Mitchell said “there is no such thing as a conflict that can’t be ended.”  Obviously, this is the mindset as the “Proximity” talks begin between Israel and the Palestinians. However, the whole notion of “Proximity”…