Cairo: One Year Later

by Cal Thomas One year ago this month, President Obama addressed the “Muslim world” from Cairo, Egypt. Some saw that speech as unnecessary groveling. Critics — and I am among them — think such displays communicate weakness and only encourage those who wish to damage our economy and kill our people. Supporters of the president’s…

Hamas rises in the west

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Since the navy’s May 31 takeover of the Turkish-Hamas flotilla, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his advisers have deliberated around the clock about how to contend with the US-led international stampede against Israel. But their ultimate decision to form an investigatory committee led by a retired Supreme Court justice and…

Turkey joins Hamas to sue Israel over flotilla

by Turkey is working together with the Hamas terrorist organization to file joint lawsuits against the Israeli military officials who stopped a six-ship flotilla from reaching Gaza and violating Israel’s territorial waters.   According to a report published last week by the London-based a-Sharq al-Awsat Arabic-language newspaper, Turkish Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin said Ankara…

Who is the anti-Christ?

By Dr. David Reagan, Lamb & Lion Ministries   Revelation  13 begins a section from Chapters 13-19 that go from the midpoint of the Tribulation until its end when Jesus returns to this Earth as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to reign from Mount Zion in Jerusalem. The focus of the Antichrist’s slaughter will shift…