How is Qaddafi still hanging on?

BY DAN MURPHY, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR— Muammar Qaddafi is ringed by financial sanctions. The United States and European powers say they are mulling further steps, including extending a no-fly zone over the country to protect the uprising against his rule. The country is split, with large swathes of territory out of his hands and opposition…

Video: J Street

How can J Street call itself pro-Israel when: it attacks Israel for defending itself against terrorists; it consistently backs candidates that don’t support Israel; it lies about accepting funding from George Soros? View our featured video to “solve the mystery.”

What's happening in Egypt now?

BY ISRAEL TODAY— Most of the international community, and certainly the mainstream international press, has moved on from Egypt and its 18-day uprising that lead to the downfall of former President Hosni Mubarak and his dictatorial regime. The new story on everyone’s lips is Libya, where the masses are fighting, and dying, to similarly remove…

Bibi's leadership test

BY MOSHE DANN, YNETNEWS– Thanks to uprisings throughout the Arab world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has avoided one of the most difficult domestic – and international – issues on the table: the fate of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, “the settlements,” “the occupation,” and the “two-state” delusion. Having recognized the “right of the Palestinian…