Take back the Holy Sites

BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Displaying their customary respect for Jewish holy sites, Palestinian vandals struck again last month, desecrating an ancient synagogue in Naaran near Jericho. In addition to damaging priceless relics, the perpetrators spray-painted swastikas, Palestinian flags and political slogans, adding insult to injury in their hate-filled assault. The defilement of the site was…

B'tayavon: Potato kugel

There are more Kugel recipes to be had! Check out the different variations of this Sabbath classic. Ingredients 6 large potatoes 2 onions, diced 6 eggs ½ cup oil 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon salt ½ teaspoon black pepper Directions 1) Preheat oven to 400°. Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish. 2) In a…