Moscow defends Assad, seeks nuclear deal with Iran by freezing sanctions

BY DEBKAFILE— As Moscow prepares to block strong UN Security Council condemnation of Syrian violence against protest, Russian diplomats Monday, Aug. 1, launched a quiet effort to start freezing sanctions imposed on Iran over its military nuclear program in return for Tehran satisfactorily answering of the International nuclear watchdog’s “questions and concerns,” debkafile’s Moscow and…

B'tayavon: Braised brisket

*Braised brisket is synonymous with Jewish holidays. You would be hard-pressed to go to a Passover or Sukkot celebration and not find brisket somewhere on the menu. Most of my Jewish friends are fiercely loyal to their mother or grandmother’s brisket recipe, just as they should be. In case you do not come from a…

Braised Brisket

*Braised brisket is synonymous with Jewish holidays.  You would be hard-pressed to go to a Passover or Sukkot celebration and not find brisket somewhere on the menu.  Most of my Jewish friends are fiercely loyal to their mother or grandmother’s brisket recipe, just as they should be.  In case you do not come from a long…