Anti-Israel Christians Stir Further Controversy

By MARK TOOLEY, FRONTPAGEMAG— The October 4 ecumenical letter to the U.S. Congress from 15 mostly old-line Protestant bureaucrats warning against U.S. military aid for Israel absent “immediate investigation” of Israeli human rights abuses continues to stir controversy. The letter from United Methodist, Presbyterian Church (USA), Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and other clerics of…

Israel's situation post-elections

By BARRY RUBIN, GLORIA— “Don’t Panic” – Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy What should Israel’s policy and priorities be during President Barack Obama’s second term? There will be two key themes: minimize antagonism and cope with the negative consequences of US regional policy. Protect bilateral relations Israel’s government must ensure continued US aid,…

The party of victory

By CAROLINE GLICK, NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE— Next to the American people themselves, Israel is no doubt the biggest immediate loser in the U.S. presidential election. President Obama’s foreign policy is predicated on the false notion that the U.S. and Israel themselves are the principal causes of the Islamic world’s antipathy toward them. Consequently, Obama has…

Attrition, or decision?

BY YOAV LIMOR, ISRAEL HAYOM— Events over the past two weeks, particularly on Saturday, have led Israel to a crossroads. Should Israel accept the dangerous deterioration of the security situation around the Gaza Strip or should it risk an escalation of violence by attempting to change the rules of the game? The security situation in…

Peace or annihilation?

By EARL COX— Here we go again.  The international community is clamoring for the people of Israel to give up more of their God given land in exchange for what?  Peace?  Does anyone really believe that giving up this land will bring peace? Does anyone remember their unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 for peace?…