Red light vote at UNESCO

BY STAN GOODENOUGH— In what was described as a crucial “UN test vote,” UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientif and Cultural Organization) voted Monday to grant full membership to the ‘State of Palestine.” The 107 nations voting in favor included South Africa, China, Russia, Brazil, India and France. Among the 14 votes against were the…

The UN's indifference

BY JOSEPH KLEIN, FRONTPAGEMAG— The “international community” is always quick to blame Israel for any reprisals it takes against Palestinian terrorists. Accusations of “collective punishment,” “disproportionate force,” and “extrajudicial targeted assassinations” are regularly hurled at Israel from the chambers of the dysfunctional Human Rights Council and other United Nations bodies, including the UN Security Council.…

Wish I'd said that

“If we read the Scripture’s aright the Jews have a great deal to do with this world’s history. They shall be gathered in; Messiah shall come, the Messiah they are looking for—the same Messiah who came once shall come again—shall come as they expected him to come the first time. They then thought he would…