Perry says Obama Mideast policy is 'naive, arrogant'

BY REBECCA STOIL AND JPOST STAFF— Both US Republican  presidential front-runners slammed US President Barack Obama’s policy on  Israel Tuesday morning, days before the expected United Nations vote on  Palestinian statehood.  Texas Governor Rick Perry and former  Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney blamed Obama for the upcoming UN  vote, even though the US delegation was expected…

Funding the enemy

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— Speaking Sunday at the UN’s conference of donors to the Palestinian Authority, Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon warned that while Israel supports economic assistance to the PA now, that is liable to change within the week. As he put it, “Future assistance and cooperation could be severely and irreparably compromised if…

Orange rice with chicken

Ingredients ½ teaspoon saffron threads water 2 cups basmati rice, uncooked 1 tablespoon salt 2 oranges, zest only 1 cup sugar 4 tablespoons olive oil ½ cup slivered almonds, toasted 2 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts ¼ teaspoon black pepper 1 onion, sliced ½ cup pistachio nuts, shelled and chopped Directions 1) Preheat oven to 300 degrees. …