Netanyahu Shines in Speech to Congress

BY ROBERT SPENCER, FRONTPAGEMAG— The most riveting moment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s much-applauded address to Congress on Tuesday was his declaration that “the hinge of history may soon turn, for the greatest danger of all could soon be upon us: a militant Islamic regime armed with nuclear weapons.” He was speaking of Iran,…

How Obama has empowered Netanyahu

BY DANA MILBANK, JEWISHWORLDREVIEW—  Lawmakers gave Binyamin Netanyahu 59 rounds of applause as the Israeli prime minister addressed a joint meeting of Congress Tuesday. But more revealing was the whisper I heard while watching the speech from the House gallery. It came as Netanyahu repeated his rejection of the notion, floated by President Obama last…

Obama's Diversionary Tactics

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— What did the president wish to accomplish by purposely starting an ugly fight with the prime minister this past weekend? As the Washington Post pointed out on Friday, US President Barack Obama purposely provoked the current fight with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. He knew full well that Netanyahu does not back…

Betraying Israel

BY CAL THOMAS— With friends like President Obama, who needs enemies? If you’re Israel, you already have quite enough of those. On May 14, 2011, the State of Israel observed the 63rd anniversary of its independence. But if the proposals made by President Obama in his State Department speech are implemented, that observance could be…

Obama's Diversionary Tactics

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— What did the president wish to accomplish by purposely starting an ugly fight with the prime minister this past weekend? As the Washington Post pointed out on Friday, US President Barack Obama purposely provoked the current fight with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. He knew full well that Netanyahu does not back…