Power Prayer: Openness

Yahweh, God of immortality, before whom angels bow and archangels veil their faces, enable me to serve You with reverence and godly fear. You who are Spirit and requires truth in the inward parts, help me to worship You in spirit and in truth. You who are righteous, let me not harbour sin in my…

The Jewish-Christian divide

BY DAN CALIC, YNET– One of the challenges preventing improved relations between Christians and Jews is that both have misconceptions about the other. For example, one of the biggest misconceptions is that most Jews and Christians think Jesus abandoned Judaism, the religion of his birth, in order to start Christianity. They are both incorrect. Jews…

Israel revives military option after Obama rejects its nuclear demands of Iran

DEBKAFILE— Israel has withdrawn its pledge to US President Barack Obama not to strike Iran’s nuclear sites before the November presidential election after he rejected its minimal demands for nuclear negotiations with Iran. This is reported exclusively by debkafile’s Washington sources. In public, Israeli ministers still talk as though they believe in results from the…

Iran rope-a-dopes the West again

BY BRUCE THORNTON, FRONTPAGEMAG— Yukiya Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, announced on Tuesday that Iran would agree “quite soon” to allow IAEA inspectors to search for any evidence that Iran’s nuclear enrichment program has been directed towards military applications. The IAEA has been particularly interested in the Parchin military complex, where…

Video: Just one minute

In a new campaign #justoneminute , Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon calls on the International Olympic Committee to dedicate a minute of silence during the opening ceremony at this summer’s London Olympic Games in memory of the eleven Israeli athletes who were brutally murdered during the Munich Olympic Games in 1972. Sign the Petition! Go…