Scripture Reading for December 31, 2011
Torah: Genesis 44:18 – 47:27 “Vayigash) (And he came …) Hatorah: Ezekiel 37:15 – 28 New Testament: Ephesians 2:1 – 10 Gospel: John 3:16 – 21 “Ki ko ahav Elohim” (For God so loved …)
Torah: Genesis 44:18 – 47:27 “Vayigash) (And he came …) Hatorah: Ezekiel 37:15 – 28 New Testament: Ephesians 2:1 – 10 Gospel: John 3:16 – 21 “Ki ko ahav Elohim” (For God so loved …)
Think on this! “They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace.” … “And he will be called Wondrful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.” (Jeremiah 6:14,…
Torah: Genesis 41:1 – 44:17 “Miketz” (At the end of …) Haftorah: Zechariah 2:14 – 4:7 New Testament: Romans 10:1–13 Gospel: John 10:22 – 39 “Chag Hachanukah” (Festival of Hanukkah…)
BY RABBIN DAVID EBSTEN, TRAVELUJAH— Growing up as a young boy on the south side of Chicago, I loved sports and Hebrew school. I hesitate to call my self a Hebrew school junkie, but I loved going there. Learning Hebrew was a new world for me that I loved exploring, and studying the fascinating stories…
BY ISRAEL HAYOM— U.S. Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey is formulating a plan for a U.S. military attack on Iran, he told CNN in an interview published Wednesday, to go into effect should U.S. President Barack Obama decide to stop Tehran’s drive for nuclear weapons. “My biggest worry is will miscalculate our resolve,” Dempsey…
BY BILL LEVINSON— Hanukkah is often called “the Jewish Christmas” because it takes place at about the same time of year. There is in fact a very strong connection between the two holidays; had it not been for the events that Hanukkah commemorates, there would be no Christmas. Hanukkah is about standing up to those…
BY SAM BLUMENFELD, THE NEW AMERICAN— If you’re wondering who’s funding the network of left-wing, non-government organizations in Israel, which aim to topple Netanyahu’s government and turn Israel into an Arab majority state, it turns out to be the same man who’s funding the Occupy Wall Street mobs: George Soros. Tel Aviv has had to…
BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— More than a billion Christians around the world are about to celebrate Christmas, commemorating the birth of Jesus, the promised Messiah. There is one thing the Palestinian Arabs hope you all remember during those celebrations – that Jesus was, in fact, a Palestinian (Arab). It is nothing new for the…