Purim's Message

BY JPOST STAFF— It has been falsely claimed of the late educator Ernst Simon (1899-1988) that he would intentionally avoid celebrating Purim. Uncomfortable with the idea that the Purim miracle included the killing of 75,000 enemies of the Jews, the traditional-minded Israel Prize laureate and co-founder of Brit Shalom purportedly would remain in Jerusalem on…

Iran weapons material seized

BY AFP– South Korea and Singapore have intercepted suspect nuclear and weapons materials bound for Iran that breach UN sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic, diplomats said Thursday. The two seizures, made in the past six months but only revealed now, add to a growing list of alleged Iranian attempts to breach an international arms…

Holy Travel: Purim

Hamantashen is the classic Purim cookie, served in every classroom party across Israel. In theory, the idea of the cookie is a little gross. Its three-cornered shape represents Haman’s clipped ears. Move past the fact that a poppy-seed filling seems like the ear hair (YIKES) and these cookies are a wonderful treat. Purim for KidsSome people…

Massacre of the innocents

BY JEFF JACOBY, BOSTON GLOBE— Last weekend in Itamar, an Israeli settlement in the Samarian hills, terrorists infiltrated the home of Udi and Ruth Fogel and perpetrated a massacre of the innocents. The killers started with Yoav, the Fogels’ 11-year-old, and Elad, his 4-year-old brother. Yoav’s throat was slit — as he was reading in…