Symbols and their meaning

by Michael Anbar Cultures are full of symbols. Flags, standards and banners are symbols. They are not just pieces of colored cloth, wood or metal; they symbolize armies, ideologies and nations. Idols are not deities but symbols of such entities.  The cross is a symbol, reminiscent of the crucifixion of Jesus, and so is the…

Iran’s Bushehr success

by Jerusalem Post    This Shabbat, Iran will start gearing up its first nuclear plant. Russian engineers will load nuclear fuel that has been enriched in Russia into the core of the Bushehr reactor, enabling the Islamic Republic to produce electricity within about two months. This will complete a 40-year endeavor to produce nuclear power,…

Bush's Gift to Obama

by Steven J. Rosen, The opening of direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians, rumored for weeks, is likely to put the spotlight back on U.S. President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy. That isn’t necessarily a good thing. The Israeli public does not trust him and will be looking for signals of his intentions. If…

Standing on a landmine

by Caroline B. Glick, Jpost   US President Barack Obama’s warm endorsement of the plan to build a mosque by the ruins of the World Trade Center tells Israel – and its enemies – everything we need to know about the president of the United States of America. Speaking during a Ramadan fast breaking meal…

Ready for finals?

by Brian Hennessey, Reunion Ministries Consider this a heads up. I believe the church is about to be given a final exam as far as the Jews are concerned. As you know, we have not done very well on this subject in previous tests. When asked if we loved and respected the Jewish people before,…