Obama, Hamas Weigh In on Ground Zero Mosque
by Samara Greenberg, Jewish Policy Center When it comes to the Ground Zero Mosque, just about everybody has an opinion. After skirting the controversy for weeks, President Barack Obama weighed in Friday evening. Speaking to a crowd at the White House gathered there to observe the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, President Obama said: “…I…
Distortion and deception consistent tools against Israel
by Earl Cox Flotilla fight still festering? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. The world’s nations and their media won’t let it lie. Now, weeks after after the Turkish flotilla’s attempt to break up Israel’s blockade of ships bound for Gaza, the world media are still condemning Israel for killing nine so-called “peace activists” on board…
Iran’s Bushehr success
by Jerusalem Post This Shabbat, Iran will start gearing up its first nuclear plant. Russian engineers will load nuclear fuel that has been enriched in Russia into the core of the Bushehr reactor, enabling the Islamic Republic to produce electricity within about two months. This will complete a 40-year endeavor to produce nuclear power,…
Bush's Gift to Obama
by Steven J. Rosen, ForeignPolicy.com The opening of direct talks between Israelis and Palestinians, rumored for weeks, is likely to put the spotlight back on U.S. President Barack Obama’s Middle East policy. That isn’t necessarily a good thing. The Israeli public does not trust him and will be looking for signals of his intentions. If…