Clueless in Gaza

BY LONNIE C. MINGS, CFI-— Israeli troops are poised on the edge of Gaza to invade the area if the rockets don’t stop soon. The problem is, the Hamas leaders of Gaza don’t seem to realize that the “new Samson”—Israel—is far from “eyeless” and that they have the ability to retake Gaza if they are…

The Teenagers’ Revolt

By JONATHAN SCHANZER, FOREIGN POLICY— The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine dropped hundreds of incendiary leaflets on Shuafat Road on Friday, July 4, calling for renewed conflict with Israel. The hard-line Palestinian organization’s fliers were scattered amid the rocks, rubble, and spent tear-gas canisters from the clashes that have occurred daily with Israeli…

The bigotry of low expectations

By RON JAGER— The barbaric pre-mediated murder of 16 year old Mohammed Abu Khdeir shames the Jewish people everywhere and was immediately denounced by the full spectrum of Israel’s political and religious leadership, including Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Peres and the Chief Rabbi’s. The people of Israel expressed remorse and genuine shame that those…