I wish I'd said that

“Israel is the only country in modern history to have returned disputed territory captured in a defenseive war and crucial to its own self-defense in exchange for peace.  And Israel has killed fewer innocent civilians in proportion to the number of its own civilians killed than any country engaged in a comparable war.  I challenge…

Congress–Yes, We Can!

BY YORAM ETTINGER— It was Congress – on both sides of the aisle – which led the Obama Administration to veto its own ideology and policy at the UN on February 17, 2011. Majority leader Cantor, Minority Whip Hoyer, Foreign Relations Committee Chairwoman Ros-Lehtinen and Ranking Democrat Berman, Middle East Subcommittee Chairman Chabot and Ranking…


*The hamantashen is the classic purim cookie, served in every classroom party across Israel.  In theory, the idea of the cookie is a little gross.  The cookie’s three-cornered shape represents Haman’s clipped ears.   Move past the fact that a poppy-seed filling seems like the ear hair (YIKES) and these cookies are a wonderful treat and a fun activity for Purim. …