Europe wages war on Israel

By CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— This week the EU took three steps that together prove Europe’s ill-intentions towards the Jewish state. First, last Friday the EU announced it is imposing economic sanctions on Israel. The sanctions deny EU funds to Israeli entities with an address beyond the 1949 armistice lines. They also deny EU funds to…

Zionism as a civilization

By MOSHE DAYAN, JPOST— Zionism is not just supporting the State of Israel, it is the recognition of the historical connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. This connection is critical for understanding the state as the basis upon which a third Jewish commonwealth/ civilization is being created. The most important factor…

Covering for Islamic cruelty

By DAVID PARSONS, JPOST— In the aftermath of the Arab Spring’s mass uprisings against repressive military dictatorships, radical Islamists are stepping into the political vacuum to seize power, while also unleashing a brutal wave of persecution against vulnerable Christian communities. Yet one would hardly know this harsh reality looking at a statement coming out of…

Wish I'd said that

“My hands shook as I started to unwrap one of them. I read a few sentences. It was written in beautiful biblical Hebrew. The language was like that of the Psalms, but the text was unknown to me. I looked and looked, and I suddenly had the feeling that I was privileged by destiny to…