Israel’s only two options

CAROLINE GLICK — JPost — The Jewish state’s choices are to either annex Judea and Samaria or be destroyed by its neighbors. Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is in Europe this week seeking to convince the Spanish and Norwegian governments to support the Palestinian bid to sidestep negotiations with Israel and have the UN General Assembly…

Hamas's useful Americans

NITSANA DARSHAN-LEITNER — JPost — From Boston Harbor to the jail cells of Birmingham to the public squares of Cairo, the American people have had a centuries-old love affair with the idea of regular citizens engaging in civil disobedience to bring down unjust laws, discriminatory policies and brutal regimes, through non-violent protests.  It comes as…

Christians against Israel

BY ISRAEL TODAY— The World Council of Churches recently sponsored a debate on the situation of Christians in the Middle East that went unnoticed by most, but which provided another huge red flag in regards to the direction the Church is going as it relates to Israel and the Jews. Meeting in Volos, Greece, a…

Danger Ahead

BY CAROLINE GLICK, JPOST— It was seven months ago that Mohammed Bouazizi, a vegetable peddler in Tunisia set himself and the Arab world on fire. The 26-year-old staged his suicidal protest on the steps of the local city hall after a municipal inspector took away his unlicensed vegetable cart thus denying him the ability to…

Christians Against Israel

RYAN JONES — ISRAEL TODAY — The World Council of Churches recently sponsored a debate on the situation of Christians in the Middle East that went unnoticed by most, but which provided another huge red flag in regards to the direction the Church is going as it relates to Israel and the Jews. Meeting in…