Jews must flee Holland in 2011

by Giulio Meotti, Israel National News During last summer, a monumental tree trunk collapsed in Amsterdam. It was the old tree seen by Anne Frank, one of the most renowned Jewish victims of the Holocaust, from her hiding place. The liberal media around the world were focused on this tree to highlight the complaint of a Dutch journalist,…

Nasrallah: US and Israel caused Lebanese gov't collapse

by JPOST Staff   Hizbullah Leader Hassan Nasrallah discussed the international probe into the murder of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, blaming Israel and the US for the Lebanese government’s fall, in a televised speech on Sunday. Nasrallah accused Hariri’s son, Prime Minister Sa’ad Hariri, of acting under “heavy American influence.” He explained that there…

One that calls for a response

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Al Jazeera: “Israel is a sovereign country and it makes its own decisions,” she explained, adding that countries “often make decisions based on (their) own experience and history. And when the Israelis pulled out of Lebanon they got Hizbullah and 40,000 rockets and when they pulled out…