Video: What's the capital of Israel?
Someone should ask Romney when he’s in Jerusalem. Perhaps he has a better idea than the sitting president who seems to have forgotten the answer.
Someone should ask Romney when he’s in Jerusalem. Perhaps he has a better idea than the sitting president who seems to have forgotten the answer.
Think on this: “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” Isaiah 62: 7-8 Pray on this: Heavenly Father,…
“The evangelical-Israeli alliance is not a pact between Christian and Israeli religious nuts. It is a well-established relationship between the leaders of evangelical American Christianity and mainstream Israel. Every prime minister since Begin has relied on the support of the Christian right.”—Zev Chafets, A Match Made in Heaven
BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Israeli archeologists digging at the site of an ancient Canaanite capital in the Galilee region believe they have found further evidence that the biblical account of Israel’s presence in the land is accurate. Tel Hazor is one of the most prominent archeological sites in the country today, and with good…
A video produced by the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, has apparently turned the Arab world upside down, sparking claims of “insults” to Egypt’s new president and prompting the Temple Institute to clarify its motivations for creating the 90-second film. The Temple Institute is an educational, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the Biblical commandment to build…
BY ZACHARY FISHER, INCONTEXT— The 2012 Summer Olympics begin this weekend in London, and over 30 athletes will compete from Israel. Unfortunately, instead of focusing on the talented athletes, international attention is caught up in the controversy surrounding the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) rejection of a moment of silence at the Opening Ceremony in London.…
BY MATTHEW HAMILTON, INST. of RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY— On July 12th, president of the Christian Research Institute Hank Hanegraaff interviewed Gary Burge, theology professor at Wheaton College, president of Evangelicals for the Middle East, and author of Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” Theology. The subject of the interview was…
BY MATTHEW HAMILTON, INST. of RELIGION AND DEMOCRACY— On July 12th, president of the Christian Research Institute Hank Hanegraaff interviewed Gary Burge, theology professor at Wheaton College, president of Evangelicals for the Middle East, and author of Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” Theology. The subject of the interview was…
BY MICHAEL FREUND, JPOST— Last week, in the most unlikely of places, I came face to face with the power of Jewish unity. It was well after midnight when the convoy of heavily-guarded Israeli cars and buses began the short drive through the deserted streets of Shechem (Nablus). Posted along the way were young men…