The mideast mirage

by George Will, Washington Post Immersion in this region’s politics can convince those immersed that history is cyclical rather than linear — that it is not one thing after another but the same thing over and over. This passes for good news because things that do change, such as weapons, often make matters worse. A…

More pointless talks

by Cal Thomas “Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Never has George Santayana’s oft-quoted warning had greater significance than when it comes to Middle East “peace talks,” including the latest round scheduled to begin Sept. 2 in Washington, D.C. In constantly pressuring Israel to go far beyond the multiple and…

So you think you can draw?

If you love to draw, we have a contest just for you!  For the first time ever Jerusalem Connection is hosting a special kids drawing contest for Sukkot as part of our all new Sukkot for Kids section.  We want kids of all ages to draw anything that relates to the Sukkot holiday: 40 years wandering in the desert, a Sukkah, Aaron,…

Hamas plans terror attack against Israel and PA

by Debkafile The belligerent speech delivered by Hamas’ Damascus-based political leader Khaled Meshaal Tuesday, Aug. 24 only confirmed the information reaching Israel and the Palestinian Authority intelligence services that the extremist Palestinian group is set for large-scale terror attacks against Israeli and Palestinian West Bank targets. Debkafile’s intelligence and counter-terror sources report Hamas is setting…

Israel fights the demagogues

by Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post Israeli academia is in an uproar. And this is a good thing. Last week, the Zionist student movement Im Tirtzu opened a rather modest campaign against Ben- Gurion University’s Politics and Government Department. And the howls of protest stretched from the Negev to the border with Lebanon. Im Tirtzu is…