Greenlight for Islamic Supremacism

by Robert Spencer, Front Page Magazine On Tuesday morning, the New York City Landmarks Commission, as expected, voted unanimously to deny landmark status to 45 Park Place, thus clearing the way for the demolition of the building currently there and the construction of the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero. The Commission swept aside calls…

We owe the Jews

posted on The National Post What follows is an edited version of a speech delivered by historian Andrew Roberts to the Friends of Israel Initiative in the British House of Commons on July 19. From Morocco to Afghanistan, from the Caspian Sea to Aden, the 5.25 million square miles of territory belonging to members of the…

Anti-Semites and double standards

by Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe Late in July, a Hollywood honcho uncorks a blast of anti-Semitic bile, the sort of malignant stereotype about Jews one might expect from David Duke or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Is that newsworthy? It certainly was in 2006, when Mel Gibson, arrested in Malibu for drunken driving, demanded to know whether the arresting…

Lights, Camera, and peace process!

by Caroline B. Glick, Jerusalem Post The Israeli Left is on a collision course with the Obama administration. It is reportedly trying to undermine negotiations between the Netanyahu government and Fatah. The Obama administration is earnestly seeking to initiate them. According to an unnamed eyewitness interviewed by Israel Radio, during a July 8 meeting between…

On "bashing" Muslims

by Frank Gaffney Last week, a tectonic shift took place in the firmament of the War of Ideas. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich directly and forcefully took on Shariah, the totalitarian theo-political-military program of authoritative Islam that its adherents seek to impose on the entire world. As he noted, the United States is squarely in…