The trouble with Europe

BY ELLIOTT ABRAMS— From time to time come reminders that the disease of anti-Semitism remains deeply embedded and very widespread in Europe. Some of these are predictable, coming from the extreme right or extreme left, but once in a while comes a reminder that deserves special attention. Yesterday the Israeli newspaper Haaretz published a story…

Iran optimistic as Obama capitulates

BY GABE KAHN, ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS— An Iranian envoy voiced hope on Monday that talks with the UN nuclear watchdog in mid-May would help resolve “outstanding issues.” However, Iran’s ambassador to the Vienna-based IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, again ruled out any halt to Tehran’s controversial uranium enrichment program. The International Atomic Energy Agency said on…

Netanyahu's father dies at age of 102

BY RYAN JONES, ISRAEL TODAY— Israel on Monday collectively mourned the passing of Benzion Netanyahu, scholar, Zionist leader, and father of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He was 102. Unsurprising considering his age, Benzion Netanyahu was around for the rebirth of the Jewish state, and played a leading role in that miraculous episode. Benzion Netanyahu was…

B'tayavon: The noodle kugel

“Um, What is a Kugel?” When I first asked this question at a Sabbath dinner, it was like I had just stamped the letters “G-E-N-T-I-L-E” on my forehead. As it turns out, kugels are as common in a Jewish Ashkenazi kitchen as jambalaya is in my Louisiana home. Kugels are baked puddings, usually with egg…

The noodle kugel

“Um, What is a Kugel?” When I first asked this question at a Sabbath dinner, it was like I had just stamped the letters “G-E-N-T-I-L-E” on my forehead. As it turns out, kugels are as common in a Jewish Ashkenazi kitchen as jambalaya is in my Louisiana home. Kugels are baked puddings, usually with egg…