Why not a 'holy peace?'

BY EARL COX— The term, ‟Jihad” in Arabic means ‟holy war.” To me, it’s quite a stretch to think of war as ‟holy.” Wouldn’t you consider peace to be a lot more ‟holy?” Shouldn’t the Muslims be promoting ‟holy peace” instead of ‟holy war?” ‟Jihad,” to my understanding, is an important doctrinal concept to Muslims.…

Unconditional love for Israel

BY RON JAGER— What is it about Evangelical Christians and their support for Israel that makes some Jews at times uneasy? I can even imagine what makes Jews – especially liberal Jews – nervous about this huge group of Israel lovers: their conservative values, an uncompromising stance on the Middle East peace process and support…

The myth of the West Bank

BY RICHARD BOOKER, PART 6 of MYTHOMANIACS— A mythical phrase that has become commonplace in the Arab-Israeli conflict is the phrase, “West Bank.” I call this a mythical phrase because it was invented by Jordan to describe the territory West of the Jordan River, a territory which Jordan illegally occupied. When the news media refers…