God bless you Michele Bachmann!

BY CAROLINE GLICK— Watch this speech by Congresswoman and Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann on Israel. I cannot remember EVER hearing a more pro-Israel speech by ANY American presidential candidate in my life.  I cannot remember EVER hearing a more cogent explanation of Israel’s importance to the US by ANY American presidential candidate in my…

The anti-Israel agenda prevails

BY ANNE BAYEFSKY, JPOST— On Friday at 6 p.m. the Obama administration promise to fix the disreputable UN Human Rights Council by becoming a member died a predictable death at the UN General Assembly. Knowing they were headed for certain defeat, Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Esther Brimmer, spoke to a…

The Flotilla of Fools off to Gaza

BY PHYLLIS CHESLER, FRONTPAGEMAG— The flotilla is coming, the flotilla is coming. European and North American activists, journalists, and mercenaries have set sail—or are about to do so—on fifteen boats with passengers from twenty-twomainly Western countries to “break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.” Spurred on by the anti-Potemkin Village images of Palestinian Arabs living in…

Israel's Jordanian friends

BY ASAF ROMIROWSKY, YNET— President John F. Kennedy once said that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. As a case in point, the so-called “Arab Spring” in the Middle East has now spread to the traditionally stable country of Jordan, a historical ally of the United States and Israel. The past…

CAIR Loses IRS Status

STEVE EMERSON — Family Security Matters — Donations to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) no longer are tax deductible after the organization was among 275,000 tax-exempt organizations purged earlier this month by the Internal Revenue Service.   The groups failed to file required annual reports, known as form 990s, detailing their revenues and expenses,…

Here comes another lost tribe

BY MICHAEL FREUND— Thousands of kilometers to the east, in the furthest reaches of northeastern India, a long-lost community continues to nourish its age-old dream of returning to its ancient homeland, the land of Israel. The Bnei Menashe, or “sons of Manasseh,” are descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of Israel, which were…

Delta adopts Saudi 'no-Jew' fly policy

BY BOB UNRUH, WORLDNETDAILY— Delta Air Lines’ plan to add Saudi Arabian Airlines to its SkyTeam Alliance of partnering companies would require the American carrier to ban Jews and holders of Israeli passports from boarding flights from New York or Washington bound for Jeddah, prompting outraged accusations of illegal religious discrimination. The issue, which has…

GOP senators urge suspending aid to P.A.

BY MADELEINE MORGENSTERN, JTA— Republican senators urged President Obama to suspend U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority unless Hamas recognizes Israel and renounces terrorism. Republican Sens. John Boozman (Ark.) and Jerry Moran (Kan.), in association with the Zionist Organization of America, organized a letter to the president signed by 16 U.S. senators. “It is clear…