Hot fruit dish for Sukkot

*Sukkot is also known as the “Feast of the Ingathering.”  This agricultural festival was connected to the time of year when farmers in ancient Israel harvested all of their crops from the field.  Since Sukkot is linked to the harvest it is tradtional to eat lots of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Ingredients 1 can peach halves…

The power of Aliyah

by Yoram Ettinger In 2010, a surge in the Israeli Jewish fertility rate is a long-term, unique, global phenomenon, while fertility rates decline sharply in the Third World in general and in Muslim countries in particular. In 2010, there is a 66% Jewish majority in 98.5% of the area between the Jordan River and the…

The poisoned pen

by Victor Sharpe “Then said Satan: This besieged one, how shall I overcome him?   He has courage and ability, he has weapons and imagination. So he said: I shall not take his strength, nor muzzle nor bridle him. Nor soften nor weaken his hands, only one thing I shall do; I shall dull his brain…

Video- The one about the UN

by No Laughing Matter If you’re looking for sober, reflective, thoughts on the Middle East, Israel and the Palestinians, then were afraid youre in the wrong place. How these issues are discussed, in particular how Israel is demonised, has become just too absurd. So here is our response. This is a satire about the UN’s…

B'tayavon: Kreplach

*Kreplach are the Jewish version of Chinese dumplings or Italian ravioli. The two most common fillings are beef or potato. They are eaten mainly on holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Purim, and Yom Kippur (before the fast). Ingredients 2 cups flour 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 onion, diced small…

Kreplach (Jewish dumplings)

*Kreplach are the Jewish version of Chinese dumplings or Italian ravioli.  The two most common fillings are beef or potato.  They are eaten mainly on holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Purim, and Yom Kippur (before the fast). Ingredients 2 cups flour 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup water 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 onion, diced small 2 tablespoons…